Well, We are Killer but Still Unaware!!😲

Story Begins:

2 min readJul 27, 2022


  • Seller.
  • Customer.

(Vehicle reached to Ice-cream Bar)

Customer: Two Choco Chips family pack Ice-cream😁pls.

Seller:😀 Here, anything else, vanilla, cups?

Customer: No thanks!!

Putting ice-cream inside paper bags amazed the customer😲 and then customer: 😀

Seller: Their is nothing good about using paper bags. These bags are congested and costly too compared to polythene😔

Customer: That’s True😥but government is trying to protect the nature from the polythene so nature can live happily.

Seller: What’s so happy, even if they are trying, we are going to start using polythene again they can’t stop us from using it😤

Customer: Don’t you want to make nature beautiful??

Seller: What’s the point of creating nature beautiful when you have nothing to earn as a profit.

Customer: 😵?

Seller: Don’t you get it, polythene is cheaper in price compared to paper bags, if government really want to protect the nature then they should make cheaper paper bags compared to polythene, it’s all an act to show that they are doing great work but actually they want us to again use the polythene bags so in future they can again come up with same solution like this one to use paper bags 😤

Customer: it might be possible government never thought about it but it’s also our responsibility to protect nature not the only government responsibility.

Seller: Yes, it’s true that we protect nature and it might be possible that government never thought about it but their is no sense that not using polythene can protect our nature? as we use other items too which also we throw on the road considering the piece of garbage.

Customer: Well, it’s true but it’s also true that we are becoming killer to the nature if we continue using the polythene which is non-biodegradable and you also believe that killing someone is not what makes us savior of this world, we became savior by providing the protection. Let me tell you, why not using polythene can protect our nature? not making sense to you it’s because you are unaware of the harms which polythene is creating to our world if you give a thought about it then see “we throw polythene which consumed by animals especially by cows and because of that they lost their voice because of the chook in their mouth and they consumed again and again which never digest in their body and the milk they produce also has plastic bonds which consumed by humans and we approach to the death and we all are part of nature so nothing is going to survive for us, we already lost so many life because of using the polythene and still it’s going on and on and now we finally become the killer.😔😫😣

Seller: You are correct, i should avoid using polythene and save the whole world and become the hero by my own way with good karma.

Customer: 😀

Thanks for reading.

Story Ends.

